Well I cannot believe it is this time of year already! The leaves are falling from the trees and the shops are full of pumpkins! Yep that's right it is almost time for the Howl-o-ween PawPawty all the details about the charity will be on the website soon as well as the links to the donation site. We are supporting Romeothecat 's charity this month so we will let you know the details as soon as he announces the recipient!
I know how you all love to dress up and so do mai pals at Petsmart and when the staff met up with them at Blogpaws they had some great costumes with them because they are having a special competition for the 6th Annual Halloween Photo Contest. You can enter the competition via their facebook page so be sure to check it out they have some great pwizes.
As a special treat they donated two costumes to the staff and you can see me below modelling both of them, honestly do I really look like a fairy tail princess cheerleader? Oh the shame...the only saving grace is that the outfits are both pink which as you all know is one of my favourite colours.
The things I do for charity !! I think I need to get myself a new agent, a dog of my standing should not be asked to do such things BOL!
Anyhow to be in with a chance of wining the cute pink hat or the pink cheerleaders outfit which is an extra large ( it will fit a less rotund, larger pup than me!) in size all you have to do is post a comment on my blog telling me what your favourite scary film is! We will then pick a winner at random and get the fancy dress costumes send out in time for the #PawPawty on the 16th + 17th October.
You have until Friday 8th to get your comments in !
Right I am off to look for a manly Howl-o-ween costume!
Woof Woof Arooo!
Sister Saturday with Sweetness Seal
6 hours ago